Terms and conditions

DevTech is a company that offers software solutions developed and marketed by SC DEVTECH AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS SRL - commercial company registered at the Trade Register with number J28/587/2022 and unique registration code 46268525.

All rights to the information and graphic materials present on the website www.devtech.ro belong to SC DEVTECH AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS SRL.

The name and graphics belong to SC DEVTECH AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS SRL.

Address: Str. Grivita Rosie 12C E, Corabia, Olt, România

Phone+40 742 520 252 / +40 760 248 588



The last update was made on 12.02.2023

The confidentiality of your personal data is one of the main concerns of SC DEVTECH AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS SRL, hereafter DevTech, based in Str. Grivita Rosie 12C E, Corabia, Olt, Romania.

This document is intended to inform you about the processing of your personal data, in the context of using the www.devtech.ro website, according to the requirements of EU Regulation 2016/679 - General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR).

Categories of personal data processed

If you are a visitor to the website, DevTech will process your personal data that you provide directly in the context of using the website, such as the data that you provide in the contact section, to the extent in which you contact us through the contact form:

- Name and surname

- Phone number

- Email address

- The desired application type

- Message (commercial request)

Purposes of processing

If you are a visitor to the website, DevTech processes your personal data as follows:

- For commercial activities, respectively for the transmission, through means of remote communication (email or telephone), of the commercial offer offered by DevTech requested through the contact form mentioned above.

- For marketing activities, respectively for the transmission, through means of remote communication (email / newsletter), of commercial communications regarding the products and services offered by DevTech , through the website. The processing of your data for this purpose is based on your consent, if you choose to provide it.

Both the data storage and the transmission of commercial communications via email (newsletter type) will be done via the MailChimp email marketing platform. For more details about the privacy policy and data protection offered by MailChimp, you can consult the privacy policy related to the platform.

You can express your consent for data processing for this purpose by completing and checking the appropriate box in the contact form for subscribing to the newsletter. To unsubscribe from receiving such commercial communications, you can use the option at the end of each email (newsletter) containing commercial communications.

Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. The refusal to provide consent for the processing of your data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.

The duration for which we process your data

Mainly, DevTech will process your personal data as much as is necessary to achieve the processing purposes mentioned above.

If you withdraw your consent for data processing for commercial and/or marketing purposes, DevTech will stop processing your personal data for this purpose, but without affecting the processing carried out by DevTech based on the consent expressed by you before its withdrawal.

Sharing of personal data

We do not sell your personal data to third parties.

In order to fulfill the processing purposes, DevTech can disclose your data to partners, to third parties or entities that help DevTech in carrying out its activity through the website, or to central / local public authorities, in the following cases exemplarily listed:

- For the administration and maintenance of the website;

- To maintain, customize and improve the website and the services provided through it;

- For performing data analysis, testing and research, monitoring usage and activity trends or developing safety features;

- For the transmission of commercial marketing communications, under the conditions and limits provided by law;

- When the disclosure of personal data is provided by law, etc.

- They are obliged by contract to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to use them exclusively for the purpose for which they were provided.

The rights you benefit from

Under the conditions provided by the legislation on the processing of personal data, as data subjects, you benefit from the following rights:

- The right to withdraw your consent . You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, even if you have given it to us before.

- The right to information , respectively the right to receive details regarding the processing activities carried out by DevTech, according to what is described in this document.

- The right of access to data , respectively the right to obtain confirmation from DevTech regarding the processing of personal data, as well as details regarding the processing activities such as the manner in which the data are processed, the purpose for which the processing is done, recipients or categories of data recipients, etc.

- The right to rectification , respectively the right to obtain the correction, without justified delay, by DevTech of inaccurate / unjustified personal data, as well as the completion of incomplete data; The rectification/completion will be communicated to each recipient to whom the data were sent, unless this proves impossible .

- The right to restriction of processing . You have the right to restrict the processing of personal data. In this case, DevTech will not process the respective data for any purpose other than their storage.

- The right to data portability , respectively the right to receive personal data in a structured way, commonly used and in an easy-to-read format, as well as the right for these data to be transmitted by DevTech to another data operator, to the extent that the conditions stipulated by law are met.

- The right to delete data , without undue delay, ("the right to be forgotten"). This right is applied under certain conditions: if the data are no longer necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected, if the consent was withdrawn, if the right of opposition was exercised, if they were processed illegally, to comply with some legal obligations or were collected in connection with the provision of services of the information society according to the Union law or the internal law under which the operator is.

- The right to address the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data or the competent courts, as deemed necessary.

- For any additional questions regarding how personal data is processed and to exercise the rights mentioned above, please contact the email address: contact@devteam.ro .

- This website uses cookie files. For more information on how these files are used, please access the cookie policy